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St. Louis, MO

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis recently held a lunchtime screening of "The New Neighbors" as part of their Community Development's Exploring Innovation Week, 2010. All four regional offices participated in the two-hour event; a facilitated discussion followed the film screening. The regional branch offices include those in Little Rock, Arkansas, Louisville, Kentucky, and Memphis, Tennessee.

Pittsburgh, PA

Torrice Productions launched The New Metropolis national community engagement project with Public Media Station WQED Pittsburgh and local community organizations. Called Building Community Connections: A Film Screening and Civic Engagement Dialogue and Program about Revitalizing our Core Communities…

Read the Story and Watch the Launch Video.

Cincinnati, OH

Intentional Integration Workshop on Saturday, July 24th
Inspired by the public response to the local broadcast of The New Metropolis' Episode 2: "The New Neighbors," Citizens for Civic Renewal Cincinnati hosted a workshop for community members on Intentional Integration...

Read the Story.

What's New Archives

August 2010

Pittsburgh, PA Launch Video

Video Excerpts from
Cincinnati, OH

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