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Reimagining the Region:
Building a New Detroit Metropolis

Join us for a film screening and community dialogue on Thursday, September 15, 2011, 6 – 9 p.m., at the Emagine Royal Oak, 200 N Main Street, Royal Oak, MI.

How can the city of Detroit and its first suburbs work together to create a vibrant and equitable region for the future?

The Reimagining the Region dialogue will feature a moderated panel with state legislators, policymakers and round table discussions with members of the community. Filmmaker Andrea Torrice will open the discussion with clips from her documentary film The New Metropolis.

This forum is part of The New Metropolis national civic engagement dialogue series on revitalizing America’s older communities. It is made possible through the generous support of the Ford and Surdna Foundations.

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The New Metropolis Film Sparks Community Dialogue at Forum in Minnesota

New Metropolis Minnesota: Growing Together as a Region

On March 30th, over two hundred people participated in a lively dialogue with policy makers, citizens, and activists about critical issues facing the Twin Cities suburban areas.

The forum New Metropolis Minnesota: Growing Together as a Region turned out a large, diverse crowd and was recorded by Twin Cities Public Television to become part of a new 60-minute program on issues of urban sprawl, land use, suburbanization, infrastructure, and the Twin Cities’ unique position in addressing them. The program is called New Metropolis Minnesota and is airing statewide throughout 2011. Watch clips from the program on the right.

For more information and detailed air times…

New Jersey Communities Host
Conversations on Race

Conversations on Race, a community-wide conversation on integration, happened on May 18th in the first suburbs of South Orange and Maplewood, New Jersey. The event included a screening of The New Metropolis, followed by a panel discussion and roundtable dialogues among attendees. The conversation involved municipal leaders and residents from neighboring towns as well as other organizations in the state with a commitment to regional equity in municipal and regional planning.

Learn more about the conversation…

Detroit, MI

Videos show impact of The New Metropolis Around the Country

Watch videos from The New Metropolis community events online.

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New Metropolis Minnesota Community Dialogue

Communities just like yours are using the films to make changes in their regions for a better future. Read their stories and watch film clips of their events by selecting a city.

Baltimore, MD

Cincinnati, OH

Cleveland, OH

Denver, CO

Detroit, MI

Philadelphia, PA

Pittsburgh, PA

Scranton, PA

South Orange, NJ

Twin Cities, MN

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