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San Francisco Bay Area

The New Metropolis: Building a Sustainable and Healthy Bay Area in the Age of Global Warming

February 4th, 2012, at the Rialto Cerrito Theater, in the First Suburb of El Cerrito

More than 170 people attended the film screening and community dialogue, The New Metropolis: Building a Healthy Bay Area in an Age of Global Warming at the overflowing Rialto Cerrito Theater in the first suburb of El Cerrito, California. The focus of the screening event was to bring policymakers and citizens together to discuss strategies for urban and suburban renewal, and the implications of state initiatives such as SB 375. A panel of public officials and community leaders discussed land use and transportation policy issues with the audience. The attendees then broke into community working groups to come up with a list of recommendations that will be included in the Association of Bay Area Government's Plan Bay Area Report.

Panelists included: Senator Loni Hancock, Senator Mark DeSaunier, Assembly member Nancy Skinner, Mayor Bill Hancock, Councilmember Janet Abelson, Will Travis of the ay Area Conservation and Development Corp., Carl Anthony, and the filmmaker Andrea Torrice.

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Quotes from the program:

"The event broke down silos between different groups and interests. The films and dialog workshops helped the audience understand how our issues are really connected, and won't be solved unless we work together more strategically."
- Janet Abelman, City Councilwoman, El Cerrito, CA

Quotes from the program:

"This has been a really amazing event. I feel rejuvenated! This film screening and meeting has been an antidote to the resistance I encounter from global warming deniers. I feel we can get this done."
- JoAnn Bullock, Planner, Association of Bay Area Governments

San Francisco Bay Area Archives

January 2012

The California Story

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Website Resources

Breakthrough Communities
City of El Cerrito Environmental Quality Committee
League of Women Voters
Public Advocates
Torrice Productions
Urban Habitat

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