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Community Forum of Citizens, Students and Policymakers in Cleveland, Ohio Ignites Debate About Regional Collaboration and State Legislation

Ohio House Speaker Promises to Look Into Merits of New Growth Tax Sharing

A standing room only audience attended the public forum "Regional Prosperity for Northeast Ohio: Growing Together" to talk about the region's future. Filmmaker Andrea Torrice opened the event with clips from The New Metropolis, followed by a panel of mayors, scholars, and representatives of community organizations, who described the dire conditions of the region, and the need for tax structure reform, regional cooperation and strengthening city-suburban ties.

After the panel, citizens in the audience discussed with public officials in a round table setting a series of questions, focusing on regional collaboration already in place, what collaboration would be needed, and the role that tax revenue growth sharing could play in revitalizing the region. 

Newly elected Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, William G. Batchelder then listened to the audience's suggestions on strategies for the prospects of regional collaboration and engaged in a vibrant exchange of ideas.

Batchelder, a Republican, conceded that the dire state of Ohio's governments required the consideration of new strategies for collaboration, including tax revenue sharing. He invited members of the Northeast Ohio First Suburbs Alliance to bring him study their proposal and to immediately begin addressing legal issues currently hindering regional collaboration. 

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Just Released!
The New Metropolis Educator's Guide

The free Educator's Guide is now available for high school and college educators wanting to integrate The New Metropolis into their curriculums.

It was written in collaboration with WVIZ Television's Educational Services Department.

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WVIZ TV Cleveland to host
New Metropolis
Educator's Workshop

Want to use The New Metropolis films in your classroom or organization?

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The New Metropolis airs in Cleveland, Ohio Region on Public Media Channel 25 at the following times:

Episode 1: A Crack in the Pavement airing on Sunday, January 23 at 4 pm and Friday, January 28 at 10:30 pm

Episode 2: The New Neighbors airing on Sunday, January 30 at 4 pm and Friday, February 4 at 10:30 pm

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Cleveland hosts forum:
Growing Together

Thursday, January 27, 2011, 4 – 6:30 pm

Cleveland, Ohio

At Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Glickmann-Miller Hall, Roberta Steinbacher Atrium, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio

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